Friday, January 31, 2020

How much a blog can earn at 1K, 10K, and 100K page views

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we are talking about how much a website can earn at 1,000 page

views month 10,000 page views a month and a hundred
thousand page views a month we’ll talk about it in these different categories but just know that there's huge it depends on this whole article and I’m gonna explain the factors that makeup those differences as we go through alright

 So let's start with a website with 1000 page views here I would expect about 7 bucks a month you know maybe you make $2.00 a month from Adsense, from Google is easy to put on a website but it just doesn't earn a whole lot per thousand visitors and it's just never going to be really big and only with a thousand page views it's hard for an advertiser even to figure out who your audience is at that point so $2there and then 5 dollars just from linking to Amazon for Amazon affiliate just because it's quick and easy to set up so at a thousand page views a month you know to expect some pizza money it’s exciting to see some progress but that’s really all you'll probably be doing there

  Now let's talk about the

10,000 page view a month mark now we ‘restarting to get serious if a website can get 10,000 page views it will get to hundred thousand page views with enough work you've learned what kind of content resonates with people and you just need to add volume to it now so ten thousand page views is a really really exciting time for a website where I would expect nine dollar RPM and that's from i would probably go with an Azoic here we have some hesitations we'll call it about Azoic as a company we haven't been thrilled about the way that they’ve treated we and some of our customers but they are still probably the best option for you know a lowish page view website at 10,000 most of the premium ads networks won't take you yet and so Azoic is probably your best bet here and we see RPMs that's revenue per Mille or how much you earn from putting ads on your website per thousand page views anywhere from 3 to over 20  we're gonna say it's$240 per month that you earn from that now that's not terribly difficult to do to get to that $240 if we're talking about looking at more creative affiliate deals and not just blinking to random rap on Amazon and hoping for success you know if you make 16 deals you make16 sales of a 15 of an affiliate product that has a 15 dollar commission for you was there right so I I think affiliate needs to be a major piece of your earnings here so with 10,000 page views we're going to expect $330 per month now let's talk about a hundred thousand pages that hundred thousand-page view mark this is where I feel like you have a real business that's gonna make a monthly income impact in just about anybody's finances unless you’re like Rupert Murdoch or something or someone I don't know it's your people alright so with a hundred thousand page views we're gonna put that you’ll earn around five thousand dollars per month we’ve seen set websites do way better than this and way worse than this a hundred thousand page views so where will that income come from we're hoping that you'll be on a premium ads network you know a media vine and AD thrive add rive is our favorite and at this point we’re going to expect an RPM of about twenty dollars per thousand page views we have sites on AD thrive that are only getting you to know twelve thirteen dollar RPMs and camper report gets $36 rpm some months and so there's a quite a range but the head drive is just killing it for us and so if you can get on there and you have enough traffic you're gonna start to see some really exciting RPMs especially in the fourth quarter the reason it does better I can't just tease that the reason that they do better in the fourth quarter because companies save their ad spend for Christmas and New Year’s so then affiliate I would expect to earn fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars from an affiliate in many general niches but that's really because you've had a little bit of time to start optimizing the affiliate and so you may be there if you’ve really had time to optimize affiliate you could do three or four times that the the cool thing at a hundred thousand page views is you have so much volume so many people coming through that you can run a test almost every day to start optimizing I'll say you take your 50 top pulses with the most traffic and you go put one affiliate program in all 50 of those posts then you write it down and because this is what we do of course we wouldn't use Excel um and you write it down and you see how it does it may only take two days before you have enough volume to know if it was a statistically significant improvement over what you had before then you go to the next program and tenth next one then the next one if you really take some time to optimize it you can go bonkers on affiliate the income it just takes some practice and time to get there but with that volume you can iterate quickly whereas if you only had one thousand page views a month it just takes forever to run in any kind of test now we're also going to add affiliate income which we put like $1,000 per month here but obviously you can dominate with affiliate if you do it right and actually I have a cool case study to share with you from one of our project24 members who allowed us to share his numbers here he has fewer than a thousand email subscribers, 1500 subscribers, on Instagram and he just did a $12,000lunch 12,000 bucks when he launched his info product that is so cool so you know he’s getting just 60 people to pay $200for that info product and that's 12grand just from the launch period on that so it really depends on how you warm-up that audience and how many pieces you get right in that marketing that you have the right product to put in front of them at the right price and you push it appropriately it takes some practice to launch an info product but when you get the recipe right it can just be awesome and in this really anything30,000 page views and up in most industries I'm going to want you to do an info product it's usually our biggest earner is info products and so we put it as a thousand dollars per month here have a great week